Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rest in Peace Lee Alexander

The months of September and February are where my grades plummet, my friends hate me, and I talk about nothing but fashion. Oh hey fashion week!...I mean...month. Each day trends unfold, careers are made (or broken), and designers are treated like gods. It's beautiful. There are certain shows that I mark down in my calender so I know exactly when I can start obsessively checking

One show in particular I always save my emotional energy for is McQueen, but this season will be different. I got the news via WWD in the middle of class and started to choke up. Alexander McQueen was a rare talent; an extraordinary designer and always with a focused aesthetic. As bloggers, editors, and fashion contributors have been saying all day, he was an inspiration and influence that not only touched the industry he belonged, but other media as well. He will be greatly missed.

I am not going to continue this post and write about my day--it would be inappropriate. We need to take the time to appreciate his contributions and mourn this loss.

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